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A Glimpse Into The Far Future

The Content

Welcome to my third homepage-rework since 2008! As I don't really much care for an online presence, this is mostly a place to make some things available in an easy way to people that need to know. With the end of 2022 and the death of a much beloved hobby of mine, I took on the voluntary duty as maintainer of the Öffentliche Werkstatt Mehrgenerationenhaus Werkstatt Haimathaus. Or “Workshop Sharkhome”.

On the side you see the sidebar, which will take you to the different main sections of my homepage.

  • Werkstatt Haimathaus - You'll find a growing collection of information, manuals and settings for the machine tools we have and a general list of tools.
  • Second Life - This is about Second Life, a wonderful piece of software run by a motivated company, Linden Labs. However, ever since they handed off support to some external company - or maybe some law changes in the USA - paranoia, panic, or old-testament-style fire and brimstone behaviour seems to have replaced the formerly sensible and responsible behaviour.
  • OpenSim - Based on Linden Labs open source technology, but run in a decentralized fashion, OpenSim has become my new home. More flexibility, less psycho, non-centralized and in itself non-commercial in nature is OpenSim a worthy alternative to Second Life.
  • Blurps - Here you'll find all the weirdness I want to share with others.
  • And other stuff, partly for testing the new setup.

Yavannah's Blurps Home

For the rest of this page, it may occasionally contain rants, swearwords and should be considered not safe for work or children. I take no responsibility for the quality or veracity of this pages contents as it's mostly opinions. Know that my opinions are the most bestest and reality should support them fully. However, reality is an ass and you should use your brain to check if whatever you find here is adequate for the reality you live in.

I live on Earth-2 as an anthropomorphic lioness that left the Oklo Lions Enclave (near Mounana, Gabon) to head to Europe in 1995.
Lioness at the main settlement of the Oklo Lions Enclave

And, yes, that's a rather idealized image of me. Thanks go to the AI that made it.
But, seriously: As soon as you're able to, you should take a look past the anthropozentric world.

start.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/23 10:14 by yavannah